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Sequim Picklers Election Update, May 2, 2022

Elections for 2022-2023 Board of Directors

Elections are held in June every year to fill the posts of Sequim Picklers Board of Directors members whose terms have expired.

This year, the positions of Board President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary will end on July 31. We also need someone to serve for one year as Interim Membership Chair.

Typically, a Nominating Committee is put together to assist the Board by preparing a slate of recommended nominees for director positions that become vacant.

But, this year, no one has agreed to serve on the Nominating Committee.

No one has expressed interest in running for the Board.

Serving on a board is an opportunity to do even more for an organization you are already passionate about.

If you have an interest in serving on the 2022/23 Sequim Picklers Board of Directors as Board President, Vice President, Treasurer, or Secretary, or for one year as Interim Membership Chair, please respond to Club President Arvo Johnson by END-OF-DAY SUNDAY, MAY 15.

According to the recently approved Bylaws:

“In the event that no person is found to run for an open position, the current Board member shall be allowed to continue to serve until a replacement is found.”

If no one steps forward by May 15, the following Board members whose terms are set to expire have agreed to serve in their roles for one more year:

Interim Club President Arvo Johnson

Club Vice President Richard Cary

Treasurer Katinka Nanna

Secretary Lynda Schroeder

Every one of our 356 members (and counting) has a skill set Sequim Picklers needs. Maybe you bring experience with finance, or a legal perspective, or maybe you’re a connector and can bring in community or business leaders to the organization.

We need your expertise. Please consider volunteering to serve on the 2022/2023 Sequim Picklers Board of Directors.

Thank you.


It takes a Pickleball Club — to put on a tournament!

Plans for Sequim Picklers 2022 Spring Fling Tournament* June 10-12 (Friday-Saturday-Sunday) are moving into high gear.

As you can imagine with a tournament this size, LOTS of volunteers are needed for all three days of the Tournament. [SEE LIST BELOW FOR VOLUNTEER JOBS]

To volunteer, or if you have questions about volunteering, contact Club Treasurer Katinka Nanna at

If you know which days you’ll be available — Friday, June 10; and/or Saturday, June 11; and/or Sunday, June 12 — let Katinka know when you sign up.

Thank you for helping make the return of the Spring Fling Tournament an outstanding event!


Volunteer jobs for Spring Fling

ANNOUNCER — Our own (David) Goose has offered to announce the events, as he did so memorably for the first Major League Tournament in March. (We can’t say for sure what will come out of his mouth, but we can promise it’ll be entertaining.) We will need AT LEAST ONE MORE ANNOUNCER to cover the events. If you have a voice for radio (or even if you don’t), please email

REGISTRATION — Checking in participants

FOOD TABLE— Making coffee (keep it comin’!), setting out food (provided), and keeping everything replenished

PARKING — Making sure everyone parks in the designated areas

RUNNERS — Taking score sheets to the Pickleball Is Great (P.I.G.) Tournament Facilitators

[NOTE: Seasoned referees and line judges will work medal events.]


*What is “Spring Fling”?

Spring Fling is a regional tournament for players from Sequim, Port Angeles, Port Townsend, Bainbridge, Seattle, Canada, and beyond. Our first Spring Fling Tournament, held prior to Covid, helped establish Sequim Picklers’ reputation as a Club that could mount a well-organized, fun, and competitive event.

A few photos from the 2019 Spring Fling…

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