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May 16, Sequim Picklers' Update

Save the Date!

Annual Membership Meeting and Party

Earlier this week you should have received the invitation for our Italian-themed Festa in your email inbox. Please plan on joining us for this fun-filled event which will be held June 15th at the Sequim Prairie Grange. If you don't recall seeing the invite, or want to revisit it, you can view it at this link here.


June Board of Directors Election UPDATE

We currently have FIVE positions that will be up for election this year: PresidentVice President, Membership Chair, Director of Court Operations, and Secretary. The Club President seat has recently become available; Daryl Ness will be stepping down from his Board position as he and his wife prepare to move from the area. We highly recommend those who may be interested in running for one of the Board positions get in touch with our Nominating Committee. They are the ones who will provide the Board with members who they feel are most qualified for the positions. We always encourage at least two candidates to run for elections if possible. We will continue to collect information and hope to have candidates submit their bios and pics no later than JUNE 1st.

A special thank you to the three members of our Nominating Committee. Please contact them if you are interested in running or have any questions.

Laura Hogan ( ... 818-640-4250), 

Don Church ( ... 425-931-2567), and

John Gagan ( ... 360-460-1453)


Membership Lowdown

Hi Sequim Picklers! I hope this newsletter finds you well. I am so excited about our annual member meeting on June 15th.  It promises to be fun, festive, and full of great information. 

I’d also like to welcome the following new members to our club: Jim Hardie, Michael Sandecki, Retta Jo Bender and Alex Edgar, Jesse Eggiman (whaaaaa? Another Eggiman? Yes indeed!), Debra Joy, Kathryn Engle, and Jennie Webber Heilman. I also want to give a huge shout-out to Jane Gray and Pat Warner who have graciously agreed to be a buddy to new members in need of play, getting oriented to the club and meeting members. What a wonderful way to build our fantastic community. I am thinking about how to formalize a ‘buddy program’ so if you have any ideas or are interested in being a buddy please reach out and let me know.

Badges – if waiting for your badge, please check the shed. We had a big batch come in last month and are waiting on another order. I’ll send an email to those still waiting for your badge. See you on the courts!

Libby Hartman

Membership Chair


Pickleball is Life!


Members! Please take a few minutes to review your Contact Information and keep us all up-to-date. If you have a new email, phone number, or address, contact our Membership Chair, Libby Hartman so that our records are correct.


Sequim Picklers Need YOU! 

Picklers! Spring has sprung and the list of activities ahead of us calls for a handful of volunteers (or two, or three). Please consider paying it forward by volunteering to help with our first tournament of the season -  The Sequim Fling (June 27-30). Contact Katinka Nanna if you are available.  More details can be found on the Events page on the website. Volunteers are needed for the jobs described here. Additionally, we could use volunteers to referee. Please let Lynda Schroeder know if you would like to referee and also if you are new and want to learn, we can have some classes with on-court training.  You can contact Lynda by email.

There will be even more opportunities as we get into our tournament season. We rely on our fabulous Club members to help make the magic happen!


Courtside News

Hi Everyone, 

I just got back from a vacation and am getting up to date myself. Thanks to everyone who stepped in to help! 

Thursday Draft and Go SPMiLP Night!

We have gotten a lot of great feedback regarding the Draft and Go events. We plan on trying to schedule them every month. Our next Draft and Go is scheduled for Thursday, June 13. Register by Monday, June 3rd. Please arrive by 5:00. Play starts at 5:15. Sign up at this link or on the Sequim Picklers' website pop-up link. 

We are working in units of eight and are trying to balance teams. It is impossible to draft everyone. If you don’t (or didn’t) get drafted, register again. We keep a list and will prioritize you in any following drafts. As before, players can only register as individuals. You can not sign - up as a team. The Draft and Go is open to all levels - you don’t have to be an expert in the format. 

The referees are amazing and can help you through the process!


Heads Up

The Kyle McKenzie Clinic is June 8th - 9th. He is hoping to use 2 courts from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.  Any help with making the courts available is greatly appreciated. Anyone is welcome to come down and watch! For details about the event go to the Sequim Pickler’s Events page. For any questions and registration contact Kyle McKenzie at 

The Sequim Fling -  June 27 - 30.  Click here to register   


Blue Hole Bash - Sept  20 - 22    Click here to register  


Save the Date

The Big Dill July 27th. We are not yet ready to register. 


Membership Meeting

Our annual membership meeting is June 15th from 1:00 - 4:00.  It will be nice to see everyone!

On a final note, Gayle Powers has chosen to resign from the PCOC. She has contributed endlessly and selflessly over the past few years. She has inspired many programs and has had the unique ability to recognize voids and fill them quickly. We will miss her greatly.



The Sequim Pickler Store Update...

Our original plan was to keep the online store open until May 21, however, we have had very few people place orders. Due to the cost of printing, we need a certain number of shirt orders to make it feasible. We also realized people would like to see the shirts in person so that they can better figure out the size or style they want. As a result, we are closing the store and rethinking the process.

We still have a limited supply of performance material shirts, which we will have at the Annual Pot Luck Party and the Sequim Perdue will help you out. 


The Esprit Event

(photo courtesy of Stephanie Mitchell)

Monday, May 13th proved to be a great day at the Esprit Event at Elks Pickleball Fields in Port Angeles.  We had a total of nine Esprit attendees and of course, our Sequim Picklers came to meet the call. We began the morning with some instructional lessons and after lunch started a round-robin tournament. When it finally came down to playing for Gold and Silver the following teams won:



Char Reeves (Sequim Picklers)

Dottie Berry (Esprit)



Richard Carey (Sequim Picklers)

Bellany Simmons (Esprit) 

The weather was nice albeit a little windy, but overall it was a fun get-together. 

I want to thank the following volunteers who made this event a huge success:

Steve Bennett (Sequim Picklers)

Ron Baumgardner (Sequim Picklers)

Tanya Baumgardner (Sequim Picklers)

Richard Carey (Sequim Picklers)

Navarra Carr(City of Port Angeles)

Sajeewa Chandrasoma (Sage) (Sequim Picklers)

Janie Dicus (Sequim Picklers)

Goose (Sequim Picklers)

Sujit Hart (Sequim Picklers)

Beverly Hoffman (Sequim Picklers)

Joy Jay (Sequim Picklers)

Charlie Pugh (Sequim Picklers)

Ruby Pugh (Sequim Picklers)

Char Reeves (Sequim Picklers)

Lynda Schroeder (Sequim Picklers)

Dara Vink (Esprit)


Thanks to the Sequim Picklers for providing the pickleballs, paddles, and the round-robin format, and to Esprit for providing the Bloody Mary’s and prizes.

Katinka Nanna


Members-only Links 

PCOC Minutes, 5/07/2024

The Member's Only page password is SweetOrDill23 (please note this changed on August 10th). Save this for future use, but please don't share it with non-members.


Thoughts From Kendal Wake......

The path to improvement in our individual Pickleball Journey may include the following elements. Quality instruction, recreational play, competitive play, drilling, and tournament play. I believe a balance of all of these is necessary for a healthy growing game. For example, if you are doing some of these things but leaving instruction or drilling out, your progress will be limited. How much time to devote to each area is up to the individual. 

I would like to talk about recreational play or open play for a second. The health of the club needs to have an active open play program. When I meet “out-of-towners” I tell them, “Just go down to the courts from 9-noon every day and you will find friendly faces and games to play. Just put your paddle in on a court that looks like it would be fun for you.” The new people need to have a place to mix into our club and get to know our wonderful members. Being able to play in open play with those who are more advanced allows you to see a level of a game to aspire to. Playing with those that are a level below you allows them to have an honest look at their game and see where they might be able to take their game. We need this mix.

If I was not working I would be there every day. I get my open play in the evenings right now. I hope to find times to go down there and play during the week at times. Even though you might have a closed group you play with in the evenings I am hoping you can find time to attend open play. I look forward to seeing you at the courts for sure on Saturday mornings and during the week when I can make it. 


Sequim Picklers Have a New Forum!

Have you been looking for a venue to communicate with other Sequim Picklers - a place to find a partner for a tournament, someone to drill with, or even share resources that would benefit other Club members? Look no further than our new Virtual Bulletin Board

How to Post

Simply double tap anywhere or select the plus (+) button. A simple text post will appear. To attach a file or link, click any of the icons below the text. Padlet supports every file type you can imagine, from an Excel spreadsheet, to a Spotify playlist, to a YouTube Video, to any link from any site.


The rules are simple: No trash talk. No politics. Topics need to be pickleball-related and beneficial to our membership. Posts must include your contact information. If you post an item for sale and sell it, or are looking for something in particular and find it, please come back and remove your post. This is a MEMBERS ONLY forum….please do not share the link.Admin reserves the right to delete posts that do not conform to these


Questions? Send an email to Tanya Baumgardner


Pickleball RULES!

Q: Could you remind us of the rules surrounding line calls in non-tournament play? Like who can make them, what to do if you're unsure about a call, etc. I've been playing with people who insist on making the call from the other side before I even have a chance to call it myself. Then if they don't agree with what I think the call should be, they argue with me, or sometimes ask an observer. It is very frustrating!

A: There is actually a code of ethics surrounding line calling by players, and this code can be found in Section 6 of the 2024 Official Rulebook for Pickleball

  • In short, calls should be made by the player(s) on the side of the court where the ball landed. IF a player and his/her partner disagree about the call, then the call goes to the other side. In other words, disagreement about whether a ball is in or out means the ball is IN. But remember, if you call the ball out, but your partner disagrees, then you must defer to your partner's call.

  • The side who should be making the call MAY ask the other side what they saw, but then they MUST accept the other side's call, even if it goes against them. It is not a discussion item. 

  • Spectators should not be consulted on any line call. If there is disagreement, the ball is IN.

  • Balls should only be called out when a space can be clearly seen between the line and the ball as it hits the ground (Rule 6.C.6). Yes, this is different from previous years. Don't worry about it.

  • OUT balls must be made prior to the ball being hit by the opponent or the ball becomes dead. A partner calling "OUT" before the ball hits the ground is considered advisory to the partner. If the other side stops play because they hear an advisory out call, they are at fault.

  • Non-advisory OUT calls should be signalled by both voice and an outstretched arm pointing upwards or towards where the ball went out.

Q: What is considered a "dead ball"?

A: Section 8 of the 2024 Official Rulebook lists five ways in which a ball is considered dead: 

(1) Any action that stops play.

(2) A fault called or committed by a player.

(3) A hinder, as in the ball from another court interfering with play on your court.

(4) A ball that makes contact with a permanent object after it has bounced on the opponent's court. The side that hit the ball wins the rally.

(5) Other than NVZ faults, faults may only be committed when the ball is live. The fault should be identified as soon as possible after it occurs, but must be enforced before the next serve takes place.  This includes double bounces, balls that make contact with the body before going back over the net, distractions like bees on the court, etc. The result may be a point, next server, sideout, or do-over. 

If you have questions about things you see happening on the court, please send them to

—  Sequim Pickler Kathryn (“K.T.”) Thomasis a Registered Trainer of Referees and former USA-Pickleball District Ambassador for the Pacific Northwest Coast.


IF YOU'RE THE LAST PICKLER TO LEAVE THE COURTSplease put away all balls and toss abandoned items (water bottles, sweatshirts, paddles, sunglasses) into the Lost & Found box in the shed. Lock up the shed and be sure to spin the combination so that it cannot be pulled open.

NO DOGS ON THE PICKLEBALL COURTS by order of the City of Sequim. Dogs are also prohibited from hanging out in the center alley between the courts. (Apologies to our canine friends...)

WEAR YOUR BADGELet the world know who you are — a proud Pickler. Carry your badge in your pickleball bag to snap on when you hit the courts.

WHITELISTING. Add "" to your Contacts list and avoid having to search your Spam, Junk, and Trash mailboxes for the latest Sequim Picklers Update and other Club communications.

The Sequim Pickler Update comes out each month on the 16th. If you would like to contribute an article, picture, or link, please send your submission to Tanya Baumgardner no later than the 11th of the month. 


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