Meet the Sequim Picklers' Board of Directors
The Board of Directors consists of four Officers; President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary and five Members-At-Large, which include three Standing Committee positions: Director of Communications; Director of Court Operations; and Membership Chair. The Past President is an ex-officio, non-voting member of the board.

Tim Williams
Presides over Board of Director meetings, General Membership meetings, and Special Meetings. Calls meetings and appoints committees as needed. Represents the Club within the community. Votes only as a tie-breaker.
See more details here.
Lynda Schroeder
Vice President
Sits for the President when the President is unavailable. All committees, both temporary and standing, report to the Vice President. Performs other duties as directed by the President. Sits on the Board as a voting member.
See more details here.
Katinka Nanna
Keeps all financial records of the Corporation, receives all income, and deposits the same in Club bank account(s). Acts on expiring memberships by sending renewal notices. Pays all bills owed and reimburses expenses as authorized in the yearly budget. Guides the Board in preparing each year’s budget. Sits on the Board as a voting member.
See more details here.

Jennifer Perdue
Keeps minutes of Board meetings, General meetings, and Special meetings. Generates agendas and minutes and sends them to Board for approval. Adds links to approved Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes to the website. Receives all correspondence and sends out correspondence as directed by the President and/or the Board. Handles Contact Us questions on Gmail, copying sequimpicklers@gmail.com. Keeps records of all correspondence and events. Sits on the Board as a voting member.
See more details here.
Tanya Baumgardner
Director of Communictions
Responsible for the management of the Club website, social media, e-hosting, media communications, and the processes by which the SP Board communicates with membership. Sits on the Board as a voting member.
See more details here.
Lettie Flerchinger
Director of Court Operations
Is responsible for all facility management issues under the SP’s control; develops organizational calendars for Round Robin play, establishes times and rules for Challenge Courts; manages the skill-rating process; develops additional winter-play facilities as appropriate; maintains the Club’s focus on providing training, clinics and developmental opportunities for all skill levels; and manages and/or coordinates all tournaments hosted by SP. Sits on the Board as a voting member.
See more details here.

Char Reeves
Membership Chair
Is responsible for keeping membership records, including the roster and dues records; develops member-oriented social functions; keeps records of members not in good standing or receiving warning notices; coordinates with the President on community outreach activities; strives to increase membership, maintains the affiliate relationship with the USAPA. Sits on the Board as a voting member.
See more details here.
Daryl Ness
Past President
Sits on the Board of Directors as an ex-officio, non-voting member mainly to provide historical information from his/her term of office to the present Board.